Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dish Dogs - 2000

Fast-talking, fast-thinking, fast-living -- oh to be a career dishwasher, without a care in the world other than getting the grime and grease off other peoples' dinner plates. Morgan (Sean Astin) and Jason (Matthew Lillard) have found the Zen in their chosen profession as itinerant dishwashers, scrubbing pots and pans at restaurants at night and by day chasing their dream of finding the perfect wave to surf. They travel up and down the West Coast, insouciantly eschewing a more staid and steady lifestyle, choosing instead to move from one eatery to the next. They brag about what little money and earthly things they possess, and they revel in their romantic freedom. Their peripatetic dishwashing comes to a bubbly stop once Morgan meets topless dancer Anne (Shannon Elizabeth) and decides to make her his -- although she refuses to have anything to do with him. Naturally, a conflict arises with Jason, as this courtship goes against their shared philosophy of rootless rebellion. Can the boys come to a mutually beneficial agreement, or is this the end of the proud "dish dogs"?


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